Thursday 6 October 2011

Wed 28 Sep

So today I learnt about ministering even when I don't feel like it. We left Guatalajara this morning to minister in a small village, where we're staying the night in the church. We lead a church meeting in the street. I didn't want to go to the meeting, I didn't feel like I had anything to offer, I just wanted to rest. I went anyway, and it was great, very Holy Spirit lead. As we were praying for healing, I had a vision for one of my team members (we were praying for his healing), people were healed - a lady had a growth on her neck which dissolved as Melissa (member of our team) prayed for  her, and others. I spent quite a lot of time praying for a mom who's husband left her 3 years ago and was having a tough time raising her children. It was good praying for her, encouraging her and sharing some words from God for her. It then got interesting when she told me about a dream she had a few months ago and asked me to interpret it. Err. No pressure. I was reminded of Joseph interpreting the dreams when he was in prison. So this was a time of stepping out in faith, and of course God was faithful in giving me an interpretation for her. So now I have interpreted a dream for the first time.

Christian leading worship

Ben prophesying over a man

This young girl was a bit too shy to join the service so watched us from the safety of behind her front door

Who could resist taking a photo of these little treasures :)

Another highlight was praying for a missionary we met today and being able to prophesy over him, a long download from God which really touched his heart and encouraged him so that was cool. Missionaries and pastors are often so tired and burnt out so I love praying for them to refresh them.

Dinner was provided by the church and was roast chicken and tacos. It was delicious, although it made me homesick for a dinner of roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables.

Slight aside is that the war is on between guys and girls in the team playing pranks on each other. They've been pretty impressive, such as the guys pushing a big frog through window of room where the girls were sleeping when we stayed up the mountain last week... I was glad I slept in another room. We also never found the frog so that's kinda freaky.

Tonight Christian (who I'll have you know is one of the leaders on the team) had me jumping when he brought over a cup asking for some juice, but inside the cup was a spider with hundreds of babies on her back. Gross.

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