Friday 21 October 2011

We set off again on Monday super early towards the Belize border. Was quite a good day of driving except I was super sick. Two days of an uber headache and throwing up is not cool. The aim has been to get to the Belize border before Tuesday as we need to pick up the newest member of our team, Victor. Hence the long days of driving as it was quite a big distance with challenging roads - very mountainous (we climbed 9000ft in a couple of hours) plus loads of pot holes, some of the pot holes are pretty intense, more like dongas than pot holes. Monday night I slept in the parking lot of a hotel in our pop up camper. Some people slept in the hotel, I was too sick to care where I slept. The hotel was so good to us, let us use their restrooms and even gave us coffee in the morning. Sweet.

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