Friday 28 October 2011


Tuesday's plan was to go minister on an island, but due to hurricane warnings (the island was warned to evacuate) we changed our mind and a group of us drove south to the town of Punta Gorda to minister there. This was probably the best unplanned day I've had in a long time. We arrived at midday so stopped at a restaurant/stall on the side of the road next to the sea for a plate of rice and beans and chicken. While speaking to Joy, the owner of the restaurant, about where to go from there, we landed up spending 2 hours ministering there. First lady we prayed for was healed of her bad eyesight. That was awesome, seeing her not need to wear her glasses. Plus it was her birthday so what a great gift! Their faith was of course stirred after that so they asked if we could go to some of their friends houses and pray for them. So some of our team did that.

The roadside restaurant

I stayed behind as I was ministering to Anthony, a friend of Joy's who is an alcoholic. We first prayed for him to be free from his alcohol addiction. After speaking with him a little more we prayed for restoration of his brain. He'd suffered some brain damage as a result of all the alcohol - it was hard keeping him focussed while we were talking, his gaze was all over the show plus we needed to speak simply, using small words. I stayed with him to continue ministering to him, sharing Jesus with him, giving him tools to overcome his drinking. I even called Godfrey over to share his testimony of how he's been clean of drugs 8 days now. We also prayed for his eyesight which has been deteriorating over the last 2 months.

Anthony and Joy

Turned out he had a knowledge of God, having read the bible, when out he popped with he wants to be baptized, he was baptised as a Catholic as a baby but now he wants to be baptised of his own accord as an adult. So I shared with him what it means to be baptised, and then asked him if he wants to be baptised today, which he did, so he was, by some of the guys on our team. Amazing. The transformation in him was incredible, he looked so different when he came out the water. A life transformed indeed. It's moments like this that make what I do worthwhile - $20 petrol money to drive to a town 2 hours away to minister to one man, yes it was worth it.

Brent, Rowan and Godfrey baptizing Anthony

When the others were finished ministering to other people we headed to another village to minister at a primary school where there's been a lot of dark things happening. As far as we could gather, it seems like one school class was cursed (we don't know why), but these kids have now moved away. We visited the kids in the classrooms. It was so cute, I went into the kindergarten class of 3 year olds. They're so sweet! It was challenging sharing Jesus with them as they don't speak English or Spanish, but rather a local dialect (which their teacher doesn't speak either!). They learn English at school. It was fun hanging out with them though. We read them a bible story and then prayed for them and their teacher.

On the way back to Dangriga we stopped at some Myan ruins which was ok, more a pile of rock ruins though! But the colouring in the sky was beautiful as the sun was setting...

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome Day!!! Thanks for sharing=D Keep goin girl!!
