Friday 21 October 2011

No earplugs in the world can drown out the music from a Mexican's 15th  quincenyeta birthday party

It feels like we can't get out of Mexico, and we are so ready to leave! I feel like I've been ready to leave for at least 2 weeks... We keep getting delayed... Saturdays's early morning start got off to a good start with an hour and a half drive before stopping for our last big (2 hour) grocery shop before leaving Mexico. Driving slowed down as we headed into the mountains. Plus car troubles. The smell of petrol from one of the cars, a car being close to overheating, burning brake pads on another car, all the way up and down a mountain. When we stopped at a small town (Ixtlan) to get petrol, at that moment the transmission seal in our camper broke, and that was it, driving for the day was finished as we had to call the mechanic to fix the camper. So now we are camping in the mechanic's courtyard until the car is fixed, at least 24 probably 48 hours. Actually who knows. The mechanic's going to Oakana city (60km away) to buy the part, but it's Sunday so hopefully the shop will be open. And then the fixing time...
The town itself is super cool. Walking around last night was fun. Walking home was peaceful until we got closer to our camp and we started hearing the music pumping... It came from our neighbours, we discovered it was a 15 year old's quincenyeta  birthday party. In Mexico that's their coming of age birthday, like their sweet 16. It was ridiculously loud, it felt like our campers were vibrating. Trust us to be sleeping in probably the only noisy part of town. Lucky the mix was pretty cool, took me back to my student days. I must admit I was NOT in the mood for being kept awake in a cold pop up trailer so I prayed the Jesus would give us good nights of sleep and He did, I fell asleep almost instantly and slept right through. Yay Jesus, certainly a miracle as that music was LOUD (and I'm a light sleeper!)

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