Sunday 9 October 2011


Wednesday was a 12 hour ministry day. Good but tiring. We drove 15min to a small town. We went door to door inviting people to a meeting at the pastors house. This was an experience for me - I'd never seen as many people with physical conditions before. A baby with some syndrome which resulted in 6 fingers on each hand, a heart condition plus other issues, an old lady with a broken arm which never set properly so now bends in way too many directions, plus others.

Tanya and Zoe, with Zoe wearing my hat to protect her from the super hot sun

So our church services look a little different to what you'd expect. Let me explain. We have some guys on the team obsessed with the movie Noche Libre (yes we have watched it as a team movie evening). Especially the luchidor fighting scenes. When we were in Mexico City they bought some masks so we now have our very own luchidors. We have worked these luchidors into a skit where a man is attacked by things like sin, alcoholism, lust etc (these are depicted by the luchidors who come and attack him). Jesus saves him in the end and defeats the luchidors. It's a winner.  Especially for the kids.

After the service we had another great local meal - chicken soup with vegetables, I was glad I didn't get the portion which had a chicken leg and foot.
We then went to another village up the mountain. This was where the black people were supposed to be. We didn't see any. The people did look different and were darker though, so this must be what Mexicans class as black in their culture. I reckon the different look is from the slavery background (some slaves were brought from Africa to Mexico via the port of Veracruz). This was quite a cool interesting little village.

We did the same thing inviting people to a church service. The church service was good, many people received Christ as their saviour and healings occurred. Something humorous is after the service I was just chilling out at the back when I got chatted up by a 13 year old kid. Him and his 5 friends. Err, awkward.

Liz and Serena inviting a man to our service

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