Monday 24 October 2011


Our ministry has included going into the town centre in the evenings to meet people, witness and evangelize. A highlight has been meeting Godfrey (Thurs night in the town). He's been a drug addict and alcoholic up until 5 days ago. He's recommitted his life after meeting us, and is a completely transformed man. So beautiful, makes this all so worthwhile. He's spent the last couple of days with us, we've been in a local village walking  around meeting and praying for people. The people are beautiful, especially the children. We also went into the community hospital to meet and pray for the patients. One of the ladies was in hospital as she'd been bitten by a snake in her garden. Err, best I watch out when walking around the bushes :)

On a practical note the bathroom at the RV park where we're staying was finished, well to a usable state! a day and a half ago so that's been great. The roof hasn't been built yet so it's nice seeing the stars at night. We're also very grateful it hasn't rained! 

Saturday night was an Art in the Park festival in the town square which was so fun. Lots of crafts (eg jewelry and paintings) and food for sale - the plantain and carrot cake was amazing, made by a Scottish and Belize couple. It was great chatting to them, he met her 23 years ago when he was stationed in Belize as a British soldier. They've been together in Scotland since then but moved to Belize a year ago so their son can learn about his mom's culture. This town, Corozal, is very multi cultural, as I saw while walking around the town. I haven't seen this many white people in weeks!
Today we head south to ........ The next couple of days are going to look a little different as we've decided to bring Godfrey with us for the rest of our Belize time. We'll put him on the bus back to Corozal before we leave Belize. With his life changing so dramatically in the last week, he really needs to get away from his town for a bit to be away from the temptation of his old life (drugs etc) here, plus we'll be able to disciple him over the next few days which will strengthen him in the Lord. He is a treasure within the dark who we have found. We trust that in time he will shine God's light and love in his hometown and the rest of Belize. 

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