Saturday 22 October 2011


Wednesday we crossed the border in Belize. Although long (it took most of the day), the border crossing went well. The plan for Belize is we have no plan. No contacts and no plan. The good thing is considering this is the only country we have no contacts (we nearly didn't come here at all, but rather were going to head straight to Guatemala), it's great that they speak English here!! It's weird being able to understand everything again after sending the last 5 weeks in a Spanish speaking country! So what we're planning is to spend a few days in an RV park and minister from here, and then head South to another area and do the same thing, spend a few days in an RV park and minister from there. The good thing about this RV park is that across the road is the Caribbean Sea, and it's a little cooler and less humid than Mexico. A less good thing is that the RV park is not actually open to visitors as it's still under construction. This means we have no restroom facilities. Err. And it's pretty muddy with SO many FAT mosquitoes which are biting us silly. Aaarghh!! But otherwise it's really good to be in one place for a few days so we can organize ourselves and doing washing etc. This morning we had a great team meeting at a restaurant on the beach across the road, worshipping and seeking God for what we should do for the next few days in Belize (we plan to be here for a week).

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