Saturday 8 October 2011

Saturday was our dump day. Seriously, we took the bus into and then out of town to go minister at 2 dump sites. The first one was quite quiet as it was closed for working that day - people work at the dumps by sorting through the garbage. As the dump was closed, we walked around the outskirts as there're people living outside of it to invite them to come gather at 1pm at the gate to the dump as we were giving away bread. The dump was interesting, in the distance I could see housing which looked better than the squatter camp shacks in South Africa, but I'm not used to people live in a dump site. The smell wasn't too overwhelming, and I was only grossed out when one of my friends pointed out a dead decaying pig and them a dog eating another dog to me, that was gross. I wish he'd kept his observations to himself!! 

The service was great, we shares testimonies, preached and prayed for people. Again people received Christ as their saviour and others were healed. It was great handing out bread to them as well, they really are so poor.

We then took another bus to a dump an hour away. This was pretty intense, the smell was overwhelming. Walking through it was tough, seeing children in this unhealthy environment was heartbreaking. We were breathing in natural methane gas from the ground. The air was full of a fine dust as we were next to a mine as well. So yes by the time we got home we were super stinky and dirty!! Plus exhausted. The people were so beautiful and friendly though, and so accepting of their situation of poverty. Ministering to them was so rewarding, and of course being able to practically bless them with bread was great to. 

Sunday was a little less eventful for me as I was sick so stayed in bed before we left after lunch to go back to the RV park where our cars were parked. 

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