Wednesday 26 October 2011


The drive to Dangriga was beautiful. Belize is a beautiful country, kinda has a mainland island vibe, maybe it's a preview for Jamaica. Ja man. The people here speak English and Spanish generally, and Creole or other local dialects. An interesting fact is that the people can't write in Creole because they speak it at home but then school is in English.

On the way we stopped at the Blue Hole, a big cave with a great swimming spot a mile away. The cave was average if you've been to the Cango Caves in Oudshoorn. Plus we were eaten alive by mosquitoes, it was horrible. But walking to the cave was good, felt like I was walking through a jungle, bugs and all. The swimming was fun (mostly to relieve to the bites!), even though I had to brave touching the little fish in the water, and the boys (being boys) felt obliged to jump into the water (above the no jumping sign) from 30ft. High.

View looking up out of the Blue Hole

Dangriga has a different feel to Corozal, not as nice and safe. But ok :) We've spent the last 3 nights sleeping (in the pop up trailers) in the driveway of a hotel, plus a few people in hotel rooms. It's been nice, the owner (Phillip) has given us a great rate plus we've had wifi. Well most of the time (wifi is always sporadic I've found!).

Monday was a great day of ministering in the town. But first we went to the beach after breakfast to baptise Godfrey. What a special morning, so amazing baptizing a brother in Christ. We baptised another man Kareem we met in the morning after Ben lead him to the Lord. He'd arrived where we were staying somehow, I invited him to come watch Godfrey's baptism, Ben lead him to the Lord and then he asked to be baptised. Yay God.

Baptising Godfrey 

Ben leading Kareem to the Lord

Baptising Kareem

Christian with our newly baptized friends, Kareem (L) and Godfrey (R)

After lunch we went to visit various people in the town at the leading of Charlie, our self appointed tour guide who'd found us and attached himself to us the first night we arrived in town. It was good going to specific people who we knew needed prayer for specific things (they were friends and family members of Charlie's). A highlight was praying for Ms Dimples, a quirky 84 year old lady in a wheel chair (still living alone) who don't take no $&*€ off nobody. Man. (said in a Caribbean islander's accent). She made us laugh with her directness and no nonsense attitude. An interesting observation was how many people are in wheelchairs in Belize from having limbs amputated as a result of diabetes.

Ms Dimples

Monday evening we had a party in the park where we entertained the children and told them about Jesus. It was a little wild but lots of fun, except being eaten alive by mosquitos and other little critters. It was intense.

Leading the kids through a Holy Spirit fire tunnel

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