Sunday 9 October 2011

Tuesday was a much more stress free day of driving, even if our conservative guesstimate of 5 hours of driving turned into 9. We're used to this though... We were treated to a yummy home cooked meal at the pastors house in Okapana, a small town in the province of Veracruz. Today's entertainment was me being introduced to the pastor as I'm South African (most of our team is American). I'm used to the look of surprise (which people usually try to hide) when they try to process the fact that I'm African but white. It happens often. One of my funniest conversations was being asked if my mom and dad are white to. Err, yes. I'm not sure how I would have come out this white and blonde if my parents weren't white. Anyway the pastor told me the next day we'd go to a village with black people. Okay.

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