Wednesday 28 September 2011

Guadalajara, Mexico

Monday we rested most of the day which was so unbelievably needed. Catching up on admin etc. And sleep. It's very seldom that I sleep through the night so I'm a bit tired! Plus the fact that I've been sick for like a week now. So annoying. But okay. In the evening we went down town to another poor area to do some street ministry. In the beginning I was just hanging out guarding the box of bread while the majority of the team invited people to come get bread, plus they prayed for people and told them about God. It was so fun giving the bread away, although it was a bit of a near stampede trying to get the people to line up... We prayed over the bread that there would be enough and there was. Everyone got a piece. Praise God. Quite a few people were healed, like I prayed for a girl with pain in her foot and she was healed - it's so rewarding seeing the smile on her face as she says gracias and runs off and plays!

Today we went to a lake nearby and hung out in a tourist town. It was cool. A highlight was as a couple of us were walking down the street Ben says that he feels like there's someone with a sore right arm we should pray for, and Taylor says he has pain in his left hand and sees in his mind a man in a blue shirt. About 15min later after we've walked to the end of the promenade and back, on the way back to the cars we see this man with a cast over his right arm and a bandage on his left thumb in a blue shirt just standing there. So we shared the love of Jesus with him and prayed for him. Now we trust Jesus to continue doing His work in Him.

Rose and Caitlyn, two of my closest friends on the team

In the evening we went to minister at the church's bible students supernatural meeting. This was wild. Before the meeting started it started pouring and hailing, right after one of our team members had prayed for God's rain. In was insane - the church meets in a warehouse time thing with a tin roof and tarpaulins on the side so it's pretty open and falling apart a bit so it was wet and so loud. Many guys from the team shared encouraging words from God and prophesies with the church which totally blessed them. The church then prayed for us as a team which blessed me unbelievably. Two people had words from God for me which were so accurate and encouraging. What a night of power and glory in God.

We got a message from the first church where we ministered to say that since we were there they've had more people coming to church plus more new people coming, so now the church is very busy! Yay, fruit has come from our labour and lives have been changed :)

Now this is awesome. For the last week or so, every night we see a big cloud near us and lightning, everywhere we go, from town to town. Lightning often represents fire in God. This is showing that everywhere we go we have the fire of God with us, and it's this fire that we are taking with us and sharing with all those people we come into contact with, both existing missionaries and churches and the unreached indigenous tribes.

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