Monday 26 September 2011

Saturday felt like the longest day ever. Up at 5:30am to leave at 6:45am for a 12 hour drive. Which was actually a 15 hour drive with only 3 short gas stops, 40 degrees heat plus humid in a camper van with poor aircon at best. Yuck. To brake up the monotony of a long dull day (although the countryside is beautiful, it's just really hot and humid) as we were pulling out of a gas station in the afternoon one of our cars was pulled over by a policeman for driving the wrong way down a small street behind the gas station, where there was no sign indicating this. He wanted to take Maria (who was driving) to the police station to sort out the paper work or give her a fine on the spot... This is what they do, you can pay the (often bogus) fine or go to the station, which most people wouldn't want to do so they pay the fine instead. We didn't want to do either, so after about 20min of discussion (one miracle was that Maria, the only Mexican in our group was driving the car, rather than one of us foreigners), with the rest of us praying, the policeman just changed his mind and off we went. 
Our 12 hour day turned into a 16 hour day when we got lost through being given not great directions. Driving around Mexican cities with police in balaclavas and guns driving past was also quite an experience. Well I think for others more - being from Africa I'm possibly more used to these sorts of things :) The confusion continued with us finally making it to the pastors house at about 11pm, only to be told they were waiting for us at the church, 20min away back where we'd come from. Long story short we finally got to bed about 2am - driving and parking 5 cars (1 motor home, 1 camper van, 2 4x4s pulling wide trailers and a station wagon) is seriously challenging and testing for all our patience levels). 

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