Tuesday 13 September 2011

Tuscon, Arizona

Monday was a long day of driving. 13 hours from LA to Tuscon Arizona, via Phoenix to pick up more members of the team. Possibly the most entertaining thing that happened was me driving. Nothing like waking up in the car to find out you're driving the next bit: swapped drivers on the side of the freeway. Good time to mention I've driven on the right side of the road once, also only driven an automatic once, never driven a 4x4 pulling a trailer, and I don't know American road rules. All went well till we hit Phoenix. Let's just say 6 lanes during rush hour traffic definitely freaked me out, especially changing lanes with the trailer, and I couldn't see out the mirrors as I couldn't adjust them. Eish. Lucky for me I had great team members in the car helping me.

We're staying 2 nights in Tuscon with a couple who visited the Iris base in Mozambique in August. Someone we know knows them and they're kindly hosting us. Nothing like arriving to a home cooked meal after 13 hours of driving. Travelling 85km an hour is painful to say the least. Funny story, I just realized I met them when they sat next to me in one of my last church services in Mozambique - they asked what I was doing after the school and when I told them about this trip they were a little blown away to say the least. And now they're hosting us and so they're part of what we're doing! They have a massive beautiful home which is such a blessing as we're using the day for final prep before heading into Mexico tomorrow - we need to fix the vehicles and get a few things. So manana we'll be leaving the comfort of the states as we head into Central America...

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