Wednesday 28 September 2011

Guadalajara, Mexico

Saturday (24th Sep) was an 8 hour drive to Guadalajara. We got pulled over by a cop on a  motorbike as one of our cars turned on a reaps light, or something like that. Anyway, not only did the cop change his mind and not give us a ticket (would've been $80), he kindly directed us so we could follow him through Guatalajara to help us find where we were staying. Such favour. We've the last 3days staying with a missionary family at their house. It's been a little crowded as there are 21 of us, his family of 5 plus another missionary family of 6 who've been staying with them for 3 weeks. Lucky the house is quite big, although the water went off on Sunday and has been on and off since then which has not been amazing, deja vu of Mozambique... :) Saturday nights' dinner was awesome - we walked down the road for tacos at a tent on the side of the road. I'm loving Mexican food!!

Sunday we ministered at a street church in a more dodgy end of town. Before the service we walked the streets inviting people to come to church. It was a great morning although soooo hot, especially as we were sitting outside in the sun. Afterwards we ate lunch, more rice and beef and tacos. I'm becoming a big fan of salsa (hot sauce). I need to watch myself though as it can be very hot!!

Sunday evening we ministered at the church which the family we're staying with pastor, Fuego Mexico (Fire Mexico). Now this was a crazy Spirit filled night of note. Powerful testimonies were shared and then we had a fire tunnel to bless the church. We prayed for people and more healings took place. Like we prayed for this girl who needs a new kidney and God gave her one. Unbelievable.

Zoe praying for someone

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