Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Sanctuary

So last week was an interesting week. Sunday and Monday we stayed at a vegetarian Seventh Day Adventist Retreat by the beach near Mazatland. Highlights include a team meeting in the pool (very much appreciated after a long hot day of driving) plus having our laundry done. The food was interesting...  read not great, and I enjoyed my first run in 8 months along the beach, even if I did get totally lost and came back like an hour late. Monday evening we visited a migrant labour camp. That was so precious, interesting for me to compare it to our squatter camps in South Africa. I was surprised at how safe it was for us, even though we were there after dark. We played with the children, hung out with some of the men, did a bible story with the kids and shared the gospel with the guys. It was so awesome, the children are so beautiful, I fell in love with a little girl (Monsa, 5), and her brother. Big downer was the bugs and bites... I even accidentally brought a few bugs home with me which grossed me out later.

Team meeting in the pool!!

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