Monday 26 September 2011

Sunday we lead church. Apart from us all being exhausted, it was one of the best churches I've been to. If I lived here I'd join it in a heartbeat - they have the same heart and beliefs around God, going to the nations, the missions field, and more, as we do. Highlights include singing my first worship songs in Spanish (a great way to increase my vocab and improve my spelling and grammar), us showing a video clip of work some of our team have done in Tanzania (made me a little homesick and reminded me of my trip to Tanzania last year), people from our team sharing a word of knowledge plus testimonies for the church, us ministering to the congregation - a highlight was I prayed for a ladies heart and a girl's throat to be healed and they were. Funny story is at the beginning of the service when the pastor introduced our team and the locals around us welcomed us, after a few polite sentences with the lady next to me she asked if I'd learned (basic!) Spanish in Spain. Err, yes. Mexican Spanish really is that different to Spain Spanish. I'm sure my gringo accent isn't helping either ;)
After the service she told me that she felt God had a word for her and her husband so would I pray and prophesy over her. Err, no pressure. In Spanish?!! This I thought was a good time to call a team member who could translate for me. Oh and I did have quite a bit to prophesy over them - God is very faithful when we step out in faith, He honours us with giving us a word for the person we're praying for. That was cool, so rewarding to be able to encourage and bless the local church. 
They totally blessed us by putting us up in a hotel Saturday night (even had a hot shower), and cooked us a great lunch of tacos after church.
We're staying by the beach (yay, I miss the sea) for 2 nights with Monday being a much needed rest day. Read doing laundry before we head off into the mountains for our first bush bush outreach later this week.

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