Monday 12 September 2011

Bethel Church - Redding California

Friday was an 8 hour drive from Portland through Oregon down to Redding California. Oregon was a lot prettier than California! The road trip was fun, with me being amused that America and American people really are like what you see in the movies... Highway patrol cars, state troopers, everything really is super big...

Friday night was a revival meeting at Bethel Church in Redding. Heidi Baker was there visiting and she called our team up to pray, bless and commission our group to go forth on this journey. Wow what a time. After worship people came up with words if knowledge for specific healings and then we prayed, people were healed and they came up gave testimonies right then and there. Afterwards it was so great meeting up with some friends who'd been with us in Mozambique.

We stayed the night with some friends of the team way up in the woods - I've discovered not many people have yards big enough to host us: a motorhome, camper van and 2 4x4s pulling huge pop up trailers. These ladies totally blessed us with their hospitality. We set off early Sat morning on a 12 hour journey to Los Angeles. We travel very slowly to avoid the cars overheating; this is going to be a great opportunity to practise patience! We stayed the night with more friends of the team, again who has a home big enough to host us? Yes, very helpful that he is a producer in LA... This was our first night of using our pop up trailers (they pop up to be like a caravan with beds and a kitchenette inside. It's a tight fit. I never thought I'd say this but I think we had more space in Mozambique sharing a room with 8 people...

Sunday was church. At Expression 58 Church which meets in a theatre in Hollywood. I had no idea I'd be coming to Hollywood!! The church is awesome. Such a great message was preached and their hearts are so in the right place. I need to start getting used to being called up in churches - they called our team up early in the service to, to pray for us. After the service we had our first ministering opportunity. Such a priviledge praying and prophesying over these beautiful people. Even if some of them asked me to repeat myself because of my accent... :)

Lunch was at In 'n Out, the all American burger fast food joint, plus an afternoon filled with sightseeing. Yes, all around Hollywood, we even went up to Griffith Observatory so we could look out over the whole city. Incredible.

After dinner Brock came over to lead worship and we had our first healing within our team - one of the girls rolled her ankle before worship and during worship she got up and started walking around. Nice. Especially as just yesterday I'd thought how much I'm looking forward not only to all the miracles etc we'll be experiencing as we go out, but also as miracles take place within our team.

Tomorrow we head off early to pick up some more members of the team before driving to Tuscon. And Tuesday morning the plan is to cross the border into Mexico.

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