Tuesday 11 September 2012

We're off to Rio, Rio!!

Friday we set off for what should've been an 8-12 hour drive to Rio. Well, when 2 hours into the journey we have to pull over us the break pad in our car cracked and broke into many pieces, and it took us about 5 hours to fix it, we decided perhaps we wouldn't make it to Rio that day. Plus when after setting off less than an hour later the A-frame of our trailer broke... another hour later of fixing it on the side of the road (good thing we were right next to the sea as this made it way more picturesque!) and we were off again, only to have the whole trailer collapse while driving down some cobbled roads in the next town. Ok, definitely time to call it a day. While the breaks were getting fixed that afternoon when we knew we wouldn't be getting to Rio that day a couple of us starting praying asking God for a good hostel to stay in. Which He gave us. Honestly one of the best hostels we've stayed in. Plus at only $10 a night and $2.50 for a delicious buffet breakfast, hot showers and comfortable beds God had blessed us more than we'd asked for.

Saturday we had to decided what to do with out trailer. Thing is we need it to carry like a dozen bags, but having being trawled through 19 countries we can honestly say it's seen better days. We decided to leave it right where it was, on the side of the road in the town of Paraty where the council guys (we spoke to them) would get it to the church we'd just passed a block away who had someone who would like it. So now are down to no trailers, having left the other one on the side of the road in Chile. The rest of the day was smooth sailing with very few car troubles (just a little overheating of one of the cars) with us arriving at Carole's house in Cabo Frio (just north of Rio) in time for a delicious braai prepared by her parents. Carole is a member of our team and from Rio so for the next couple of weeks we'll be ministering with her church and other contacts. 

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