Tuesday 11 September 2012


Love. People often ask what does love look like. It looks like something. But what. How do you explain it. I think that only love can explain what motivated me (and 12 others) to drive 2 hours leaving Cabo Frio at 9pm on Thursday 6th September to drive (very crowded with 10 of us in one camper van!!) to another town, Macae, arrive at a church about 11pm, hang around waiting to go out after midnight, drive to another area of town pray for and minister to street people and transvestite prostitutes in the red light district for a couple of hours before having to leave due to gun shots close by, going back to sleep on the floor of a classroom behind the church (without enough bedding for all of us), to wake up sick the next day, get up to minister in the evening service and then drive 2 hours back to Cabo Frio to arrive back at Carole's home at 1am to find not enough space to sleep as more people had joined our team in the 24 hours we'd been gone and were thus sleeping in some of our beds. And to think that this was one of the best moments of your life. Why? Because we do it all for love. This is what makes me come alive. To show God's love to those many people don't think are worth stopping for, let alone going out of your way to see. 

Is it worth it? To have Leonardo (one of the homeless men we spoke to) recommit his life to Jesus? I think you'd agree with me that yes it was worth it. 

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