Monday 3 September 2012

Foz do Iguazu

At Foz do Iguazo we stayed at a church retreat, provided for us by the church of one of our team member's mentor. We arrived Monday night late to a welcome dinner of hot dogs and hot chocolate, very Brazilian!

This is how we travel - 6 of the 11 people in the motorhome!

On Tuesday we participated in the community outreach project of feeding the poor at the church. It was a fun evening of just hanging out with local Brazilians. Trust us to arrive in style (our big funny looking American cars never cease to create a stir) and leave in style (when our big Suburban wouldn't start). And so began about 2 months of having difficulty getting the car to start. Thankfully that night between Stephen (our resident car mechanic in team) and half a dozen Brazilian men they managed to get us up and running. Honestly I've lost count of the number of times our cars have broken down at church!! Not embarrassing at all :)

Being a Baptist Church the church doesn't believe in the Holy Spirit being for now, 2012, rather it belongs 2000 years ago, during the biblical age, in the Book of Acts, so we weren't initially allowed to minister in the church. But miraculously the senior pastor changed his mind last minute and invited us to minister that Wednesday night. It was such an amazing night, we preached, lead worship, prayed and prophesied. I had my first word of knowledge for pain in left leg with burning behind my knee during worship. What happened was during worship I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my left leg for a few moments and then it left. Later on in the service a few of us had words of knowledge so I asked if anyone had pain in their left leg. As this was my first time of getting a word of knowledge for healing I was a little nervous in case I was wrong (yes that is pride is Elizabeth!), but to my surprise the man behind me said yes that's me! So I prayed for him and he was healed in that moment! Praise God!!

Overall the week was a time of rest and admin time of getting visas for Paraguay and Bolivia. As I don't need a visa for these countries I took the time spend more time in the Word which I just loved. It was such a beautiful peaceful location and even as we were there the weather started warming up and we were able to enjoy some sunny days. We spent some ministering to the pastor and his wife and he ministered to us.

Chilling by pool - enjoying the first
warm weather in quite a while

Taylor watching Zoe

Friday we were to the Falls which was perfect timing as it was my dear friend Liz's birthday and the Falls happen to be one of her favourite places in the world (she's been to Brazil a few times before). These falls are where the final scene of The Mission was filmed where the missionary goes over the falls. A little bit sobering as we're missionaries and we've spent quite a bit of time ministering to tribes in the jungle who do not know Jesus, nor are all of them happy to be having white foreigners in their villages. 

The falls were exquisite, they border Brazil and Argentina

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