Tuesday 11 September 2012

God is present in the details of our everyday lives

Never a dull moment... so on Thursday I headed off to the beach with 2 friends from my team (Taylor and Josiah) to go hang out. When we got there a vendor was talking to two girls from our team so we checked in on them to check they weren't been hassled, which they weren't, so after saying hello to the guy off we went. A few minutes later Taylor feels in his heart that we should turn back and bless the man, so he asks me how much Portuguese I speak so I can translate. Err, none. Spanish? A little bit, although I'm feeling a bit rusty as I haven't spoken it for a couple of weeks. So back we go to speak to him (me speaking broken Spanish, him speaking Portuguese and me doing my best to translate for my friends).

What we wanted to share with him was that God was with him, God's been with him in the past, is with him now and will be with him in his future, that he is experiencing angelic encounters and he can expect to have more heavenly encounters from now on. Turns out the vendor (he looked about 40 years old) was an ex fighter and gang member, he travelled to many place fighting (like North America, Spain, Italy, Ibiza, and others). He said he'd served satan for 20 years but 5 years ago he met Jesus and now he's been serving Jesus for 5 years. It was incredible, he started playing/singing his favourite worship songs on his phone, praying and prophesying over us. It was crazy, before we knew it we were holding hands, praying, worshiping and prophesying over each. There on the beach outside Sao Paulo. Incredible. Talking about heaven meeting earth in one encounter that day. 

And afterwards the boys took me climbing (barefoot!) straight up the mountain. It was so fun, exploring the forest, climbing trees and rocks, to get to the top and overlook the city and see. What a day of contrasts!

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