Monday 3 September 2012

IHOP OneThing Conference

Tuesday we left bright and early to drive north to Curitiba for the IHOP (International House of Prayer organisation based in Kansas, America) OneThing Conference. We were hosted by a mega church, I've never been in such a big church, the first night was crazy, we arrived in the rain which meant we had to unpack all us stuff in the rain (sleeping with a wet sleeping bag is not cool), and settle into sleeping 14 girls in a children's nursery classroom. So squashed there was no space for our bags even, let alone us, we were literally lined up like sausages! Thankfully the next day we moved into a bigger (although freezing cold) room. 

Home sweet home!

This church really blessed us with free accommodation, meals, helped us with anything we needed without expecting anything in return. Wow, and they didn't even know us, the church we stayed with in Florianopolis set it up for us. We were just there to be part of the OneThing conference, no ministry from us at all. The conference was good, it was good for us to be refilled through other people ministering to us, the preachers were great and the worship was better. I haven't experienced mixed worship (Portuguese and English) to this level to this level before on all our travels, it was so beautiful and powerful, the presence of God was thick in the air. It was an interesting feeling not being up there ministering as usually it's us ministering to others, not others ministering to us.

OneThing Conference

Sunday was a church service for Internationals in the mega church, run by American missionaries so it was in English. Nice to not need a translator! The church was really small so our group outnumbered the whole congregations!! And Monday we left early to drive to Foz do Iguazo, a border town with Paraguay.

Breck (one of our team members) receiving prayer
on behalf of our team from the International church

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