Saturday 8 September 2012

Crazy travels, brace yourselves...

And now onto the crazy travel week back to Brazil... From Uyuni we got on the train at 2:30am for 10 hours to Villazon where we walked over the border to Argentina. From the border town of Quiaca we took a 9 hour bus ride to Salta where we arrived at 1am. Being tired and sick of travelling while on the bus I prayed asking God for it to be easy for us to find a hostel, for the hostel to be cheap and for us to be able to get on the next bus the very next day at 4pm or 5pm as this would get us back to Brazil at a reasonable time the next time. When we arrived at Salta at 1am we were met at the bus station by a hostel manager who offered us a good rate for a really nice hostel, free taxi ride to the hostel, good breakfast included and the next morning we got bus tickets for 4pm all the way back to Brazil. Thank you God :)

So 4pm and back on the bus for 13 hours to Resistencia, arrived at 5am. Quick change onto the next bus which left at 5:30am. Without my friend Aleeza who I was sitting next to for that bus journey. Err. I shout out has anyone seen her back on the bus? No. I shout for a friend who actually speaks Spanish to help by asking the bus driver to stop so we can find her, but he was too far away so I had to run down, by down I mean I literally fell down the somewhat steep stairs practically onto the bus conductor only to ask him in not very good Spanish to please stop and wait for my friend. Alls well that ends well and Aleeza was back on the bus, to us singing Happy Birthday to her as she climbed up to her seat! What a way to start her birthday!! I bet she's glad she wasn't left to celebrate her birthday alone in some random Argentinean town :) 

5 hours later and we arrived at Posadas, still in Argentina, ready to change buses yet again for our 11 o'clock bus to Foz do Iguazu, the border town of Argentina and Brazil. Arriving at Foz 5 hours later we were marginally disappointed to find the bus stopped on the Argentinean side so we still needed to find a bus to take us to the border, which we did, and then a town bus Into Foz, dinner and taxi ride and we were FINALLY back with our cars at the retreat we'd stayed at the month before by 10pm. Tired, sweaty, sick but very happy to be off that bus. 

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