Tuesday 11 September 2012

Cabo Frio

Staying in Carole's family home was like heaven for us. We were incredibly blessed by members of her church bringing food in excess for us. We are a big group so we go through food etc at a very rapid pace! It was a little squashy, picture 9 mattresses touching top to bottom, side to side, with 2ft of free space, and that was just one of the two bedrooms to sleep about 17 girls, but somehow her parents managed to source mattresses for all of us. This is the first time we've stayed in the family home of one of the member's of our team. Such an honour. 

Me with Carole and her family 

Church that night at her church completely rocked, it was crazy anointed. Below is a link on YouTube of Ben preaching:


Our team being introduced to the church

The week was filled with ministry - homeless ministry, dedicating a new church, street ministry, youth services, hospital ministry, ministering in a gang area, etc. One day we were ministering with a pastor of a church which was only about 2 months old in a poor rough neighbourhood. Turns out a man had given them this brand new church building built and paid for ($150,000) out of his pocket for the pastor to do with as he pleased. So we prayed over the pastor and the building, asking God for vision etc as to how to best use the building. 

Blessing the pastor 

We also prayed for people in a nearby hospital, people we just met on the street, at bus stations, everywhere. A tiring but good day. What I'm learning in street evangelism with other churches is that it's not so much about us, it's about the church we're partnering with - many of them do not know how to connect well with people in this way so they learn a lot from us. So that makes it worthwhile because honestly, handing out tracks is definitely not my style of evangelism!!

This is how we travel - for our day off we went
to the beach, 7 people in the back of the car
(3 in the front!) plus two surfboards!!! 

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