Saturday 8 September 2012

Entre Rios

Wednesday we left by bus to go 6 hours away to the village of Entre Rios (means between two rivers in Spanish) to minister in some rural villages in the mountains. I absolutely loved Bolivia, I could have stayed there no problem. Unfortunately the very windy roads, high altitude and dodgy buses meant I got very carsick, very often. So much so that I was too sick to go to the villages with the rest of my team. No problem, God works all things for good and I landed up staying with a pastor (Guido) and his wife (Macedonia) and 3 year old boy (Mati) for 3 days in Entre Rios. It was an amazing unique cultural experience for me to live with a local family in a rural village in Bolivia, and of course a perfect time to learn some Spanish seeing as no one in the village spoke English!! God also used this time to remind me that one of my dreams that I'd asked Him near the beginning of the trip almost a year ago was for me to be left alone (without the safety net of my team) in a village with locals to learn the culture and language. And here He was, answering my dream/request in such an amazing way. God is good. All the time. And His timing and ways are always perfect. 

Main Square of Entre Rios
The first day (Thursday) I was a little nervous, I won't lie. First I was a bit anxious as my team left at the thought of being without them - let me explain, I am used to sleeping with at least half a dozen people squashed in one room every night, there are ALWAYS people around me, the joys of living in community with 30 odd people. Personal space is a thing of the past. Then I realised that I didn't actually know where I was (I was too sick when we arrived the night before to notice where we were). And I was alone in a missions house where Spanish was the only language option. Hmm. God is so amazing with taking care of me though, as I stepped out to "ask" (in broken Spanish) Mace what I should do she invited me into her home saying I would eat with them and live with them for the next few days, they were my new family, we live and eat together now. This blessed my heart so much, knowing I was in good hands I knew everything would be okay.

Guido, Mace, Mati and me
In fact it was more than okay, it was awesome! I had so much fun. The first evening Mace and I had coffee in her lounge, in Spanish. We then walked two blocks down to fetch her husband Guido from his football game. The local guys commenting on me, being blonde and sticking out like a sore thumb, trying to figure out where I was from, it was quite fun as I don't think they thought I understood!! Dinner was in a local restaurant down by the main square (there are only about 3 places to eat the town is so small!!) followed by tea back in the house before I retired for the night, exhausted from trying to communicate in Spanish for the last 5 hours but very happy. 

God also likes to push us out of our comfort zone. For example, Friday started off nice and chilled with me having breakfast with Mace, followed by a lovely wander down to the local market before having lunch next door with Rachel, a local missionary, and two of her daughters. All went well until I was asked to preach that afternoon at her daughter's bible study. In Spanish. Without a translator. Err. Those who know me well know that I am quite shy and not a fan of public speaking, so leading even just a bible study requires me to be bold and step out in faith, let alone doing it in Spanish! Let me explain, my Spanish is at a conversational level in that I can get by socially, but definitely not to the level where I can preach the word of God! I can confirm that God is faithful and when we step out in faith He meets us there and enables us to do things that far exceed our expectations of ourselves. My audience were very gracious with me though as even though my Spanish is no where near good, but they were able to understand what I was trying to say and I can honestly say that I felt the power of the Holy Spirit giving me the language. 

Saturday was another day of being pushed out my comfort zone, this time I was asked to lead Mace's ladies bible study. Err, no pressure, leading a bible study for a pastor's wife. This time I was more challenged in that I really didn't know what to share with the ladies, even as I went to meet them I still didn't know what I was going to say. Again I can say that God is faithful and as I went out in faith He started giving me words and testimonies to share with them. It was such a fun afternoon, we took a taxi out of town to have bible study in an old ladies farmyard with ducks and geese clacking around us all afternoon. The bible study was a great success with the ladies being truly blessed, we really felt the presence of God there. And in true Bolivian style we finished the afternoon off with mate (a tea) and bread. 
Mate and bread
By Sunday 4 of my team members had returned so we led the children's church service which was a lot of fun. The kids have such a boldness and faith in God, it's beautiful. 

The kids singing to us!
Roberta and Bridget leading the bible story, but first we had to sing happy 7th birthday to Safi,
my little friend from next who took a shine to me and insisted on me going everywhere with her :)
Safi and I
This little guy was lost in the Lord's
presence while praying
And in the evening we led the adult's service. This was a fun time of seeing how God talks to all of us - 3 of us heard a word from God to share with the congregation, and without talking to each other before the service, we all shared the same word!! The same scriptures and everything. Isn't God supernaturally great. And fun - the testimonies He had me share were very entertaining and I had the whole congregation laughing at my embarrassing stories!

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