Tuesday 11 September 2012

Another action packed adventure just getting to our next destination, Sao Paulo!

Well for one day rest that is. Friday we were back in the cars again driving down to Sao Paulo. 

Things that now seem normal to me: Instead of leaving at 8am for the expected full day of driving from Foz do Iguacu to Sao Paulo, we leave at 1pm as Stephen needed to go back to Paraguay to get a part for the car and then fix said car before we could leave. Lucky Kimmie had left a note on the door communicating this change in information, changed from leaving at 8am to "when Stephen gets back". An hour or two into driving and we wonder why we smell burning rubber. While driving to Sao Paulo, we pull into a truckers gas stop on the side of the road at 3am, sleep in the cars, wake up in the morning and walk into a restaurant which isn't even open yet to go wash my face in the restroom, then fill up my water bottle and wash my fruit and veg in a gas station's bathroom. After driving all day we pull into a parking lot next to the beach to sleep our second night on the road (in tents, cars, or wherever...) in the town of Salvador, an hour outside Sao Paulo, also known as the most dangerous suburb in Sao Paulo... Yes. Only we would choose to live like this and not really think anything of it!! :)

How do I know we have angels with us everywhere we go? When at 2am in the morning after driving for 12 hours we discover that the reason for the noise in our car is that we'd been driving without any nuts holding one of trailer tyres on... Plus the holes where the bolts go were so well worn they were the size of 50c coins instead of 10c. How on earth did the tyre not fly off? Thank you to our angels for working overtime holding it on until we figured out the problem :)

Sao Paulo was a time of rest and recuperation for us. We were super blessed by a family who gave us the use of their beach house to stay in for 4 days just to rest, especially as many of us were either sick, recovering from being sick or just downright tired. Or a combination of all 3!

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