Friday 11 November 2011

Monday we were on the road again, assured by locals that the roads were still bad but not as bad as we'd just been through. This time they were right, the roads weren't as bad as the night before. Looking back I think it's better we drove that patch in the dark, so we couldn't see how bad it really was! It still took us about 8 hours to do less than 80km. That's what happens when you're still driving in first gear due to a broken transmission. We made up for the tiredness from the day before and slow driving by having a great girl jamming day in the car.

We arrived at an orphanage in Chimaltenango near Antigua, which is where Christian's friend Branden and his team are at about 4pm. So we are now camping out in the road/driveway outside an orphanage for children with special needs in a town called Chimaltenango. The missionary team were really cool (they've left now). they're a group of young American people part of the World Race, a missionary team that goes to 11 countries in 11 days. So again we're waiting for the car to be fixed. Plus a few other maintenance things, like more spare tyres... The orphanage has been so welcoming, letting us use their washing machine and Internet. It's the small things that make all the difference... Like having a toilet seat in the toilet... Seriously, this is enough to make any of the girls days.

Possibly the worst thing we've had to deal with is a lice outbreak within the team. Seriously. About a half a dozen of us have had them so we've sent the last 2 days washing our hair with chemicals and de-licing each other. Gross. I really hope we're all clear now, I guess time will tell...

Wednesday was a fun day, we drove through Antigua to go climb a volcano. It was actually quite intense hiking 2 hours up a mountain to the top of the volcano at 2305m. The first half of the hike was great, the second half was a little scary as it was up the side of the volcano - the 60 degree angle with loose stones made it quite a scramble, a definite 2 steps up 1 step back. The view from the top definitely made it worth it, even if it was so cold at that height from the wind that fingers were going numb.

We are still waiting for the car to be fixed. We're hoping it comes back today so we can leave for El Salvador tomorrow but that is looking less likely as it's 5:48pm and no sign of the car yet...

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