Friday 18 November 2011

Choluteca - Honduras

Thursday's border crossing day went reasonably well. It only took 3 hours (the quickest so far) and was reasonably cheap and pain free, unless of course you're a registered car owner, then border crossings are always painful - long, hot and filled with chaos and disorder.

The drive was average with a now normal event of the back left tyre in the pop up tent blowing up. It's happened so often we know exactly where the important things like jacks are at all times and I reckon we've now got the changing of the tyre down to about 10min.  What was less exciting were the sparks and smoke that later came from the pop up as the axle final broke. It was beyond repair for that time of the night so we left it beside the road and carried on the remaining 25 miles to our destination. We'd pulled over right next to a house so we'd hardly been there 5 seconds before we had a crowd of 15 local guys helping us.

We're now camping in the football field of a hotel. The hotel is beautiful, a real hotel unlike the last one we stayed in in Guatemala which featured cockroaches, mould and mildew, not to mention the gun shot sounds right outside. Those of us who usually sleep in the pop up tent trailer are now in tents. I think we're enjoying having our own space (sharing the pop up with 5 others is VERY cramped). I for one am grateful I have a great tent :) On a side note this is the first time I've slept by myself in 10 weeks.

My tent is the green one. The car in the background is Jesse and
Tanya's RVwhich we use for cooking in, amongst other things

Word is that the car we left in Guatemala is now ready so Tanya and Jesse will bus it back to Guatemala, pick up the car and drive it back. That should take 3 or 4 days we reckon. In the meantime we're praying and asking God what we should do ministry wise in Honduras for the next few days. The original plan was to head into the mountains, riding donkeys to reach unreached people groups but our contact person for doing that is now in America as we are a few weeks late (with all our car troubles we are behind schedule).

And to end off on a positive note the pop up trailer is now back with us, having being welded back into shape by a mechanic. These pop ups were really not designed for the type of terrain we take them through so we continue to pray that they last at little bit longer...

One of our pop up trailers

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