Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ministering in San Salvador

Tuesday has been another full day of ministry. In the morning I went to minister at a drug rehab centre in the city. It was so fun. Our team shared testimonies and then we ministered to the men and prayed for them. I loved my time with them. The afternoon was good to - we had some homeless men come to the YWAM base in San Salvador where we're staying for showers, a meal and some sharing of the gospel. Plus some fun hanging out loving them time :)

The Drug Rehab Centre

Apart from the ministry, today's highlight was definitely finding the flip flops I've been looking for since mine broke in Mexico (yes, that's 4 countries ago) for only $6 - in South Africa they would've been more than $30. For real. Why I'm so happy is finding good quality shoes (or anything) in Central America can be a challenge - the replacement flip flops I bought at WalMart suck, they hurt my feet. Plus an amazing cup of real coffee, my first in months... How to make me happy :)

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