Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ministering in La Libertad

Sunday I went to two church services. I hadn't been to church for a while (with all our car troubles and ministering to unreached people over the last few weeks rather than being part of organized churches) so it was kinda weird! The morning church was in the garage of a home in a rough neighborhood which had secured entry, like in Joburg where neighbourhoods are cordoned off by armed security guards. There were mostly kids attending the service, the pastor fetches them from rougher neighbourhoods - their parents don't come as they tend to be in prison etc. It was great bringing freedom to this church and seeing the congregation being touched by God.

Victor preaching with the pastor 

The evening service was wild. It was at a different church an hour outside San Salvador at La Libertad (FYI one of the best surf spots in Central America) right near the coast, driving was beautiful and I enjoyed seeing the country - El Salvador is pretty small so driving across it is pretty quick! We lead the service and afterwards had a great time of ministry, praying for people, prophesying, healings, we even did a fire tunnel where people encountered the power of God though the Holy Spirit. It was wild. My nephew had a t-shirt when he was about 2 that said "chaos, mess, mayhem, my work here is done" and I must admit I felt that was appropriate for our team that night. At the end of the night people were thanking us for the fiesta!! In the beginning of the ministry time so many people were weeping with raw emotion, by the end they were dancing out the church with joy. Yay God.

Evening service before the chaos took over...
People set free in the presence of God, I love it!!

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