Saturday 12 November 2011

It's a bugs life

Today (Friday) involved 2.5 hours of shopping for team food at a local market. It was chaos. Felt like I was in Delhi, definitely worse than Waterloo train station in rush hour. I was pushed by scary old women half my size, men and boys pushing wheel barrows and trolleys laden with goods, was a total overcrowding. To get through one traffic jam I climbed underneath a table (a mans' store). Yes I did. The good thing was the amazingly good quality of fruit and vegetables, much better than what we get in local Supermarkets, plus pretty cheap, especially as I went with the local ladies who work at the orphanage. No gringo prices for me today. A pound of yummy strawberries for less than a dollar. Nice.

Our car (the Durango) is still not fixed so we will be heading to El Salvador tomorrow without it. Whenever it's fixed Tanya and Jesse will fly back to pick it up and drive it to whichever country we're in, maybe Hondurous. 

One thing I have enjoyed while we've been hanging out in Chimaltenango is that there haven't been many mosquitoes or other critters biting us so this has (finally) given us a bit of respite and allowed my otherwise heavily bit up legs a chance to recover. The bad news is that the mossies appear to have been traded in for lice. Aaaargghhh!!! I can't win. Apparently lice are to be expected if you work with kids or are a missionary, they just come with the territory. The cup of suffering with the cup of joy. After 2 days of delicing ourselves 2 of us in our camper (that sleeps 6) who are (hopefully) clear have decided to sleep inside a room in the orphanage tonight as the girls we sleep next to still have lice. So now I am sleeping in what I guess is used as a store room? I'm on my dad's hiking/camping mattress sleeping on a cement floor with a bag of dog's pellets in the corner. It's days like these that I wonder "is this what my life has come to?" 

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