Monday 2 July 2012

Cakes, cakes and more cakes

Some of our ministry has consisted of putting up a fence, leading home groups, youth groups, prayer walks, business prayer time, leading church services and street evangelism, amongst others. One of the highlights of my time of ministry was their weekly prayer meeting. When we got there it was really dull and dry (not helped by the fact that we were really late as we got lost getting there!). After worship we went forward and had prophetic words and teachings for the church. While we were sharing what we felt God say to the church we could noticeably see the difference as they started hearing what God had to speak over them, we could literally see their hunger for more of the things of God. It was such a priviledge to pray, laugh and cry with the folks who came forward for prayer. The evening ended with lots of smiles and laughs - smiles because the pastor's wife had made us delicious home made cakes to take back to the team, and laughs because backing up on the way out our car got stuck in the mud in the ditch and some of the guys in the church had to come dig us out. I guess that's what happens when you send 6 girls by themselves - we get lost getting there and stuck going home!! All's well that ends well :)

Another evening we all went to different home groups. This was so fun, I loved being in their homes, getting to know them on a more intimate level than just at church. We shared about our journey, God's faithfulness all the way, I shared my personal testimony of how God turned my life upside down by taking me out of a corporate career to send me to the nations as a missionary and we prayed and prophesied over each person. As ever it's so wonderful to see how hungry each person is for more of what God has for all of us. It never ceases to amaze me how people are thankful when we come and minister to them, yet I feel that it is I who am blessed when I minister with them, it's my priviledge to be able to sow into their lives, and I also walk away feeling that I come away more blessed than when I went in.  

We have experienced God's power in healing, for example we prayed for a lady with cancer and she was healed of it, praise God for this miracle. 

One morning I went with two other girls from our team with Rainer, the pastor, to his business to pray for him there. He works full time (he and his partner run their own logistics company) while also serving as the Church's pastor. It was a priviledge to pray and prophesy for him, that God would continue to be in his business and guide him in all his dealings as a businessman. It is a wonderful thing to see Godly men in business. This morning reminded me of my working days, and made me miss them a bit. Who would've thought I'd miss working in an office!!

"Mi Refugio" ("my refuge") was such a great hangout place, plus we loved being with Bill and Lynda, the American missionaries who manage the retreat. They're an older couple who loved having us there, especially Bill, he was really emotional when we left. 

View over the lake at Mi Refugio

Mi Refugio

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