Monday 2 July 2012

Day 4 and now we really need to find somewhere to stay in Montevideo. All our contacts in Uruguay have fallen through so we had nowhere to stay or contacts to minister with. But we trust God and know that even when it seems gray for us, He always has a perfect plan for us. And sure enough again His plan blew my mind with how perfectly He takes care of the details. Charlotte, one of our team members, emailed all the missionary organisations in New Zealand (being a Kiwi herself) asking if they had any missionary contacts in Uruguay. That Thursday (day 4 of our adventures in getting to Montevideo) we got a reply from New Zealand connecting us with Andreas in Montevideo, who we swiftly contacted. Turns out he was leaving for a 3 day conference in Buenos Aires the next day so we hurried over to his place that very afternoon, explained to him who we are, what our heart in ministry is, etc and he put us in contact with Bill and Linda, two American missionaries who manage a retreat property half an hour outside the city. So before we knew it we were staying at a beautiful farm house that very night. Praise God for His provision.

The house was great, although pretty freezing cold, especially at night, with plenty of space to rest and enjoy ourselves - especially having an industrial size kitchen for cooking, that was nice! We got connected with a German Mennonite Church where a few of us lead the youth services that very first Saturday. The girls who went loved their time with the youth and came back really encouraged. I visited their church that Sunday which was really fun. The first service at 9am was in German and the 10 o'clock service was in Spanish! Needless to say I didn't  understand a word of the German service but the Spanish service was fun! The pastor preached on missions and the importance of going to the nations, without knowing that we, an international group of missionaries who have gone to the nations, would be there. How great is God at orchestrating divine meetings! It was great that Rainer (the pastor) was able to use us as examples in his sermon. We were introduced to the congregation and at the end we landed up ministering and praying for many people. The congregation were so hungry for more of the Lord they filled up the next 2 weeks of our time here with ministry opportunities for us to share with their church. I have loved our time with them, they are such a generous, kind, open-hearted community, it has been such a priviledge to minister with them.

Playing catch

Oh look, Kimmie has turned into our team hairdresser!!

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