Monday 2 July 2012

Day 2 and we headed off to the town of Colonia on the coast half way to Montevideo. This was a lovely town although we all agreed it would be far more fun to be there during summer when it could be at least 20 degrees warmer!! 

Day 3 and all goes well until we look back and can't see one of our cars behind us, and so begin the car troubles for the day. Turns out their front left wheel just fell off. The axle broke and the wheel fell off. Err. This is how we know God is faithful in protecting us. Thankfully the driver heard a sound and knew that something wasn't right with the car so she drove slowly on the shoulder of the road and only when she had actually pulled over and stopped did the wheel fall off. So we feel blessed that it didn't happen while they were travelling 100km/h, that could have been disastrous. Thank you God for your protection. 

The wheel...

The next few hours were spent hanging out at a gas station in the closest small town while we arranged for a flat bed truck to tend the car. I've have come to love Antel gas stations in Uruguay as they have been a faithful source of Internet connection on more than one occasion. Back on the road that afternoon and we had hardly gone an hour when our big RV motorhome pulled over, not able to continue. We initially thought that the fan belt had snapped, but it landed up being far worse than that. Because of the first car breaking, we had to pile extra people and luggage into the other 2 cars. The extra weight put too much strain on the engine of the RV and it broke. Two weeks and $2,500 later and we're hoping to get the car back from the mechanic this week... So that was the end of our days travels and we found the closest motel to sleep for the night. 

And this is how we sleep, 3 in a bed, with a chair pulled
up for us tall girls so our feet don't drag on the floor!

Fun times with the team!!

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