Thursday 26 April 2012

A short song to describe our 4 day launcher trip...

Our group of 4 increased to 5 when Bridget joined us in Iquitos. So the 4 day launcher trip was her first experience of this kind. In honour of this we dedicate the following song to her, sang to the tune of the "Twelve days of Christmas". It's an accurate account of just a few of the crazy things we experienced. 

On Bridget's first launcha trip, there was so much to see...

12 men a staring,
11 vendors selling,
10 babies screaming,
9 ports a passing,
8 peeing chicos.
7 (hundred!) swinging hammocks,
6 dolphins swimming,
...5 happy gringos...
4 skewered grubs,
3 starry nights,
2 fluffy ducks 
and a parrot on a wheelchair!!

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