Thursday 26 April 2012

Machu Pichu

I spent just Thursday  in Lima trying to get organised for a few days in Cusco plus had the luxury of afternoon coffee as a farewell to Roberta who was leaving that evening, all the while trying to deny the fact that I was getting sick... By the evening the diarrhea had well and truly set in with hourly trips to the bathroom all night. Friday was a challenge as Melissa and I were flying to meet the rest of the team in Cusco. Let's just say that taking a plane, bus,  taxis and a train with diarrhea and the worst stomach cramps I've ever experienced is not the best way way to spend your birthday. And so began two weeks of me being sick with giardiasis. Giardia are parasites living in your intestines, you get them from contaminated water. I probably picked it up when I was in the Amazon. Not surprising. It truly is an awful sickness, I don't think I've ever been that sick, such pain in the stomach. Anyway, 3 sets of medication (2 sets of antibiotics lasting 10 days plus a course of pain killers for the stomach cramps) and 11 days of diarrhea later and I started feeling more normal.

The famous Machu Pichu

Part our group with Machu Pichu in the background

Worshipping at a high place overlooking Machu Pichu

Cusco is a beautiful city, feels very European, like a Spanish town. Machu Pichu was cool to but unfortunately I really was too sick to enjoy it properly. It was fascinating to learn about its history and the Inca people, although not much really is known about it at all! In line with us worshiping in the high places we took communion, worshipped and prayed up on Machu Pichu. I spent about a week in Cusco, most of the time in bed but by the end of my time I was able to explore a bit which was great.


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