Monday 26 November 2012

Turning off the lights

And now it's really time to say goodbye, for real. After a weekend of resting and preparing ourselves best we could for our going home and the final goodbyes, final coffees and meals with bestfriends, Monday morning 3am and Caitlin and I saw our last 8 friends wave goodbye as they left to get their early morning flights. Our flight was hours later so we didn't go to the airport with them, it would've been just two much as as it is I have two full days and four international flights to take before I get home.

And then there were 2, with us being left to literally pick up our bags, close the door and turn off the lights. 

An end of an era, it's hard to say exactly what my next steps will be. For now I'm on my way home to my beloved Africa, to friends and family, some good home cooking and some much needed rest before I go back to the field come January. This journey isn't quite complete, we still have to fulfill the last part of our vision, to continue sharing God's love and the fire of revival to the Caribbean.

But for now some final thoughts, through everything that I've been through, all that I've seen, all that I've learnt and all that I still don't (and perhaps never will) understand, I know my God and He is true and He is faithful. He is faithful to the end. 

Until January then.

With love,


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