Saturday 17 November 2012

From Rio and Fortaleza, a very long way!!

We spent some time in Rio taking care of family matters, including what to do with our cars. Getting towards the end of the journey we needed to be thinking about practical things such as this! We decided to keep them a little while longer, at least until the north of Brazil. 

Farewell Rio...

Next stop Salvador on route to Fortaleza via Porto Seguro. Brazil is a very big country so we needed to break up the long travel days a bit. Porto Seguro was a good family rest day next to the beach. It's also an important place in Brazil as it's the coastal town and island just off the mainland where the Portuguese first landed in Brazil. So of course off we went to the island to minister and pray over the land.

Porto Seguro

Salvador is a town with an interesting history. It is the largest town in the north-east coast of Brazil and was the first capital city of the country before Rio de Janeiro in 1763. There is a street called the "Whipping Post" where slaves were taken to be whipped in days gone by. Horrific I know. So this is where we set off to minister, where blood was spilt, many of it I'm sure innocent. Praying on the steps at the top of the famous road we had street people coming right up to us asking for prayer, admitting addictions to drugs etc and wanting freedom. Beautiful.

The "Whipping Post" street

Us girls :)

Kelly sharing Jesus with a street vendor

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