Saturday 31 March 2012

Piura, first time round

We slept the night camping on the beach in the dodgy town of Negritos. Thursday (23 February) we set off again and drove until we hit the town of Piura after lunch. This would be a town I would come to know well. We found a mechanic and dumped Shekinah there, with the idea that she'd either be fixed there in Piura, or we'd put her on a truck to Lima where she could get fixed there.

Leaving our not great camping spot in Negritos

Four of us were splitting from the group for a couple of weeks to go minister in the Amazon jungle near Iquitos. We were left in Piura to take care of the car before we'd head up to Iquitos, while the rest of the team travelled south to Lima. The next few days in Piura were spent in the mechanics yard and mall, where we discovered amazing natural ice-cream. Plus the attraction of air conditioning when watching movies.

The not very happening town of Piura...

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