Saturday 31 March 2012

Bienvenidos a Peru

I love Peru so much I've been here twice. Yes, somehow we managed to drive across the border from Ecuador to Peru without realizing it. How did we miss border control? Good question, shows how well sign posted it was. So second time round and we entered legally, filled with lots of excitement and expectation for this country.

Peru border crossing

After quite a busy time in Ecuador we spent the first few days in Peru chilling at a beach, in the small town of Zorritos. We camped on the beach and had a good time relaxing, enjoying the beach until half the team got sick. It was really bad, sunstroke, diarrhea, fevers, you name it. We never did figure out what caused it but we did have some very sick people for a few days. Thankfully I didn't get sick, although I guess that's because my time was being saved for the end of Peru.

Camping on the beach

Sunset over the beach

The day we left the beach was quite eventful. We left, drove 30min and Shekinah (the Durango car) broke down. Transmission. So we turned around and drove back to the place we'd been staying at the beach. We were going to stay there while we found a mechanic, but then we found out that the road we needed to drive down towards Lima would be closed with a road block for the next few days, starting that evening. If we didn't leave then we'd be stuck which was no good as we had a deadline. So we got back in the cars and drove south to avoid the roadblock. Driving was slow as we had to go at Shekinah's pace (slow) and keep stopping to let it cool down.

Waiting on the side of the road for Shekinah...

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