Tuesday 24 January 2012

Bogota, Colombia

Monday was the first of 3 great days of ministry in Bogota. In terms of land area, Bogota is the largest city in Colombia, and one of the largest in Latin America. It is one of the thirty largest cities in the world and it is the third highest capital city in South America (after La Paz and Quito) at 2,625m above sea level. It has become known as "The Athens of South America" because of its many universities and libraries. A more local name for the city is "The Freezer". This is what Colombians who live anywhere else in Colombia refer to Bogota as because it's so cold, it's the coldest part of the country. 


We stayed in the mountain village of La Calera which is about 20min outside of Bogota. Monday we hiked up a mountain, Monserrate, which overlooks Bogota. There is a Catholic Church (built in the 17th Century) at the top of this mountain with a shrine, devoted to "El Senor Caido" (Fallen Lord). The mountain is a pilgrim's walk, as well as a tourist destination. It can be accessed by aerial tramway, a funicular or by climbing. Most of us walked, and suffered for it! Mostly because we're unfit (we spend many many hours in the car), but also because of the altitude. Bogota is at 2,625 metres (8,612ft) above sea level and Monserrate is at 3,152 metres (10,341ft). A bit of a shock to the system considering we've been at sea level for the last few months. 

The idea of climbing the mountain was to pray from a high place over the city, against the corruption, addiction, perversion, injustice etc. We also did some treasure hunting where we spoke to and prayed for individuals we met up the mountain who God pointed out to us. An awesome day.

Praying for Bogota and Colombia

Tuesday we were the hands and feet of some of what we prayed for on Monday when we went out and ministered to the prostitutes in the city. What an amazing yet also heartbreaking day loving these women. Some were so open to hearing from us and were so thankful for us praying over them, others were closed to us and we could see the spirits holding them back. We also ministered in a rehab centre for ladies coming off the street which was so powerful. One of the girls (Paula, only 16 years old) I prayed for gave her life to Jesus with us, we prayed and prophesied over her and broke many strongholds in her life. So amazing seeing a life transformed before our eyes. Another lady I prayed for her eyes were healed. I love physical healings to. On the way back after our ministry one of the local Colombian ladies from a church we were partnering with was healed of breast cancer after we prayed for her. Praise God!

Wednesday was a day of ministering at a men's drug rehab centre. I sat this one out as I was sick, but the reports back were great with the men from the centre being really touched. 

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