Tuesday 24 January 2012

Alcala, Colombia

We left Anolaima on Sunday 8th Jan to drive towards Armenia on route to Cali where we met up with more of our Colombian friends, David, Carlos and Maria. After a really long day of driving we arrived after dark at one of Maria's family farms outside the town of Alcala. It is a really beautiful farm up in the mountains of Colombia. Her family really blessed us with making us so welcome in their home, it was a great few days of rest for us.

View through the farmlands

Monday was a quiet day for me as I sick with a migraine, Tuesday was more fun as we went to Parque del Cafe to to see some Colombia coffee plantations. It was more of an amusement park with rides and shows etc but it was so beautiful and I learnt about coffee so that's good.

View through Parque del Cafe

Having fun in the garden with Rose, Caitlyn and Kimmie

Wednesday included 3 hours of grocery shopping in the town of Alcala. It took so long as the town only has small stores so shopping for such a large group of people required me clearing out more than one store. Oh, and of course we had to take into account the supermarket being closed over lunch... The afternoon was fun with me learning to shoot a bow and arrow, courtesy of one of the guys on our team. It was a lot of fun, even if I did feel horrible when I lost one of his arrows... I did get better after that :)

Thursday was a cultural day where we drove to the small town of Salento where we had a traditional lunch and then went horse riding. It was so beautiful riding through the mountains, pretty eventful as my horse and the horse in front of me didn't get on so the horse in front kept kicking me and my horse. After about the fifth time his leg got caught in my horse's reins so that was a bit traumatic as the horse hand had to quickly come round to cut the rope. Both horses were fine :)

The beautiful countryside around Salento

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