Wednesday 14 December 2011

YWAM - Panama City (Fri 9 Dec)

Staying at the YWAM base is great, it's good to be settled for a week or so. We're sleeping in a church in various rooms like the nursery classroom and the sanctuary itself. YWAM are so happy to have us with them, it's been so great being treated with so much love. Friday was fun, we went out to look and pray for a hotel they're looking to buy in Panama City. We then went to minister in some slums in one of the poorest and dangerous parts of the city. Plan was to do it in the afternoon so we'd be there in the light which is ok, but we lost our contact in all the traffic (we had 3 cars following him in traffic worse than Joburg in rush hour) so we got there like an hour and a half late. Ministry was awesome, we were in a really rundown barely inhabitable block of flats with really poor inhabitants. One of the social problems of Panama is sexual perversion with it being the norm to have many kids with different fathers and no husbands, take advantage of young girls etc. A highlight of the ministry time include praying for a lady in a wheel chair and her getting up and walking. Yay God.

(PS I'm writing this feedback on this ministry time 5 days later and this is a report back from this night of ministry: 1. The girl in the wheelchair is still walking around; 2. Some of the guys in our team ministered over a gang member. That night he had been planning to do a robbery, but he was convicted of it before doing it so didn't - he had a vision of his destiny in hell right before he would've gone, so he didn't do it but instead gave his life to Jesus. Yay God. 3. The pastor there has been filled more with the gift of tongues so he is operating in more fulness which is great).

This photo is of the nursery room at Gamboa Union Church where 7 of us girls are sleeping. 

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