Wednesday 14 December 2011

Panama City

Calling the mechanics to fix New Wine and all turns out well with just the battery needing to be replaced. I think it was a miracle where God just fixing our car of the other things which were wrong because the problems did not equate to just a battery needing to be replaced, like when the car broke down it was not because of a battery problem at all. 

Anyway, on the road to YWAM Panama City. During our lunch stop Josiah and I sneak out to get some birthday celebrations for Kurt's 30th birthday. We were doing so well until I ran straight into Kurt on the way to picking up the cake at the supermarket. Err. I tried to sneaking off but he came with me to the store, err, I sent him on his way, went quickly to the cake area at the front of the store to find Josiah looking ever so proud of himself having ordered the cake and got "Happy Birthday Kurt" written with icing on it. Quick change of plans, Josiah on a mission to distract Kurt, I do my best to sneak out of a big Supermarket across an open parking lot to our car carrying a big blue cake. Mission successful. Feeling very proud of ourselves we drive off, only to hear a crash as we pull out the parking lot. A sleeping bag fell on our cake, crushing half of it. Aaarrghhh!! Oh well. 

Kurt's somewhat squashed birthday cake

Driving goes well until we hit this rickety old bridge crossing the Panama Canal (it felt like we were driving along railway sleepers). Long story short, we slip and get stuck between two sleepers, cause a traffic jam, have a couple of upset people scream at us, most people were nice and helped us by pushing the car, while another pulled us out, we called for help from the rest of our team. During this time my first thought is we need to hide the cake from Kurt, when who is the first person to help us but Kurt. Half an hour later and we were out with one bust tyre and a bunch of happy people able to drive across the bridge.

Fixing New Wine's very broken tyre

Birthday celebrations for Kurt were a success, even if we gave him a slightly mushed cake ;) The fun of a water pistol fight afterwards certainly made up for it, not to mention the fun of the pinyadas. Let me explain, and then look at the photo to understand the pinyada: it's a 3 foot doll made of paper mache filled with candy and boiled sweets. You hang it from the ceiling, blindfold your mate, spin them around at least a dozen times, give them a stick and then leave them to swing and (hopefully) hit the hanging pinyada. The point is to break the Pinyada down so to get to the candy inside.

Brent giving the pinyada a jolly good swipe

Breck and Josiah messing around with the remains of the Pinyada

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