Saturday 23 June 2012

Back to the team - Buenos Aires

I arrived safely in Buenos Aires and met up with the team, thank you Liz and Tanya for driving 2 hours to come and get me from the airport. Gotta love city traffic! We stayed at a YMCA base outside the city which was pretty rural (which resulted in eating empanadas for at least 2 meals a day for 4 days straight as this was the only food in the town). I arrived during a rest time for the team which was great, we were in beautiful grounds so it was a good place to rest and get used to living in community with twenty plus people again. 

I took a day off to go sightseeing in Buenos Aires which was lots of fun. We prayed for people who God highlighted to us on the street plus enjoyed some tango dancing while having lunch. I got a more scenic tour of the residential parts of the city when Liz and I accidentally took the right bus but in the wrong direction... Oops! Happens to the best of us! Was a great opportunity to see more of the city though :)

Four days later and we were on the road again, Uruguay here we come! 

Natalie getting a tango lesson

Argentinian architecture

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